Saturday, March 26, 2011

Degupan Jantung

I am desperately searching for my heart
Obviously in the `WANTED’ section
Yet never found
Because you took it

I tried to grasp my heart
With both of my hands
Yet it being washed away by the ocean

But until the day I met you
With simply words; greeting
With simply hang around; meeting
With simply gesture; waving hands
It slowly begin to beat again

You feed me with laughs
It bright my day
Kept me going
Even a day look as dark as night
Gave me the hope for the better day tomorrow

You feed me with tears
It broke my heart
Make me want to stop it
But at the end we made it through
We learned our mistakes

Nothing can hold us
Even circumstances have pulled us apart
We are separated by many miles
I pray to Allah sincerely; will hopefully it never end
Our memories keep my heart continuously beating
I hope they are always grow and flourish in my hearts


Friday, March 18, 2011

Hanya Mengikuti Oren

Mula-mula hanya sekadar wat blogwalking kat page cik Oren...n trus je, secara tetiba je belari-lari capai pen n kertas ntuk try keberkesanan game ni..hahahaha..malu aku ngan dri sendiri..^^

oke ni gamenya..erk mmg siyus aku copy n paste je soklan-soklan ni smua kat page oren (ampun oren, kali ni je WAS meng'copy' n menge'paste' ye..huhuhu)

Take 3 minutes and try this... it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a surprising outcome.Don't read ahead... just do it in order! It takes about three minutes... it's worth a try Memula amik pen ngankertas.Kalo korang pilih name somebody, make sure owang tuh mmg wujud & korang kenal..gunakan instinct korang yg pertama okeyy... Scroll down one line at a time... and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!

1. First,tulis nombor 1 sampai 11 dalam satu kolum... (berturutan ke bawah @ vertically).

2. Then, sebelah nombor 1 and 2, tuliskan dua nombor yg korang nak..apa2 nombor la...

3. sebelah nombor 3 and 7,tuliskan name org yg berlainan jantina dgn kowang... jgn lak tulis name yg same... gunakan gerak ati kowang...


4. tulisla name sesape(like friends or family... .) kat nombor 4, 5 and 6th spots.

5. Write down empat tajuk lagu kat nombor 8,9,10, and 11.


6. Finally, make a wish. (xperlu kot..hehee)


And now the key for the game...
1. korang mesti bgtau seramai(jawapan utk no. 2) org pasal game nih...
2. Name owang kat space 3 is the one that you love.
3. The person in 7 is the one korang suke but can't work out.
4. Korang paling care kat owang yg korang letak kat no. 4.
5. The person you name in number 5 adalah owang yg kenal korang very well.
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.
9. Jawapan no. 10 adalah lagu that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life

ni jawapan ye;

1.    2
adoi yai...sgguh x de maknya..

2.    4
ni lagi la...erk..tulung-tulung ek..

3.   Aiman
oh..mungkin lpss wish birthday dia kot

4.   Pau
ex-housemate aka one of my BFF..lov u yunk

5.   Ekha
she always know me..

6.   Mizah
she is my sun

7.   Hakim
never dream it at all

8.   Grenade by Bruno Mars

9.   Rumours by Lindsay Lohan
yeah..yeah..rumours right.. 

10. Timeless by Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini
tetiba nak ketuk kepala kat dingding

11. Insomania by Craig David
sgguh tak cukup tdo...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kau Ada Nickname?

ada kan??
mesti adakan??
menipula kalo x de langsung..
paling-paling koman pon;
kalo kau anak sulung mesti dipanggil along ke..
atau kalo kau anak kedua pon, mungkin dipanggil sbg angah
and even kau merupakan-bongsu-tak-jd pon..kau tetap de nickname tersendiri

oh mungkin jugak,
ada sahabat-handai-haktuii yg mempunyai idea terlampau kreatif  secara berlebih-lebihan atau secara tiba-tiba dengan  mengilhamkan n sekali gus mereka-cipta 'nama-nama-manja' korang..


mmg la ade setgh-tghnya,
'nama-nama-manja' tur agak mengarut tahap gaban n types yg tak-tercapai-dek-akai la..
N bler nampak diorng-diorng ni rase, cm kechik-kechik jee dpn mata..


but la kan..
cube bygkan 10 thn akan dtg..??

biler kita try ingat-ingat balik nickname2 tur..


sgt sweetkan..sbb nama-nama tur merupakan kenangan yg trindah ..

p/s: for those people, i'm sorry for giving you such a weird nickname (if u think it is).i dont meant any harm but only love from bottom of my heart..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pandang-pandang N Jeling-jeling


Along plzzz...
stop it, will u..
orng da segan da la..



yer la..yer la..orng tumpu isi USM la

oh..ntuk USM adik pilih;

1. ijazah sarjana muda sains kesihatan (pemakanan)
2. ijazah sarjana muda bioperubatan
3. ijazah sarjana muda patologi pertuturan
4. sains forensik

ni pilihan da final habis da...
n da wat pengesahan da..
da tak bole nak baiki+ubah bagai da..
titik habis...

oh la.. ntuk UPU lak;

1. ijazah sarjana muda MLT (UITM)
2. ijazah sarjana muda pemakanan dan diedetik (UITM)
3. ijazah sarjana muda optometri (UKM)
4. ijazah sarjana muda bioperubatan (UPM)

oke...da siap ek along ku musyuk2..
lps ni jgn jeling2 da..
orng da isi..



orng bukak 'muka bku' balik yeeeee.....
urusan da selesai kan..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

FNAC Itu Sakit

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC) is one of method that use to take the biospy from patient without given an anesthetic to them.

erk..aku cume nak kate kat sni FNAC itu sakit..

macam mane aku tau???

erk...berdasarkan pengalaman aku 
dengan melihat sendiri keadaan patients itu n mestilah sbb
aku MLT (Medical Lab Techonology) student yg memberikan aku kredit ntuk menyaksikan proses itu

dan aku juga pernah mengalaminya juga pd 1/3 yg lpss..
bkn sebagai penonton tetapi sbg patient

huh..sbb ape??

it such a long-long-long story la..

pendekkan long-long-long story itu???

erk..aku de lumps kat mane...
mmm lain kali la aku bitau...
so kira FNAC tur ntuk further diagnosis la
setelah aku melakukan ultrasound bagai..
n lpss aku wat ultrasound itu;
radiologist bitau aku, that only fibroedenoma

oh hanya fibroedenoma..
fibroedenoma is only benign thing..
alhamdulilah..syukur sgt2...

well but still  further tests are needed to be complete..


oh lupe nak bitau.. 
ultrasound bkn hanya ntuk nengok baby dlm perot je tau..
ultrasound itu de pelbagai function laen...
tak terhad kpd ibu yg m`gandung shj..
ntuk bkn yg m`gandung pon bole digunakan..
lebih2 agi ntuk check patients yg maybe de cancer hohohoho